At Crossley Street Surgery, we offer a range of services, including GP-led clinics and Nurse-led clinics. For more information on these services and clinics, click on the relevant headings below.

GP Clinics

For joint injections, please make an appointment with one of the following GPs:

  Shoulder Elbow Hip Knee Feet Wrist Hand
Dr Rickwood  Yes Yes Yes Yes  Yes Yes Yes
Dr Salisbury Yes Yes   Yes Yes    
Dr Thompson Yes     Yes      

Please note: Joint injections are not considered urgent and are available as a routine appointment only. As such there may be a wait of a couple of weeks before one is available with the most appropriate doctor. 

This GP-led clinic, which is held every month, is for patients who have been diagnosed with dementia.

This GP-led clinic, which is held every month, is for patients who have been diagnosed with heart failure. Patients are contacted directly if they need an appointment in this clinic.

This GP-led clinic, which is held every month, is for patients who need a mental health review. Patients are contacted directly if they need an appointment in this clinic

This clinic is not run by a dermatology consultant, this is run by one of our GPs who has an interest in dermatology. You may be offered an appointment in this clinic if you have a skin lesion, a mole, issues with hair or nails, or for a follow-up appointment. These clinics are once a month, so if you have a more urgent need, such as a referral for suspected skin cancer, you may be offered an appointment sooner with another GP.

Nurse and Healthcare Assistant (HCA) Clinics

Our Healthcare Assistants carry out blood test clinics on a Monday morning, all day Wednesday, with a small clinic on a Friday afternoon. Please note that due to strict timings, Healthcare Assistants will not have capacity to carry out any other examinations during these Blood Test Only Clinics, such as blood pressure or weight checks. We have a self-service POD which you can use to record your weight or take your blood pressure.

We think it is very important that everyone, especially children, are fully immunised against serious infections.  If you think that you or your children are not fully covered please ask the doctor or nurse who are happy to advise.  On request we also provide vaccinations for, and give advice on foreign travel (see travel advice below). 

The NHS Health Check scheme is a national initiative whereby patients between the ages of 40 and 74 are invited to their GP practices for a series of health checks, including blood pressure and blood tests. If you are in this age range, you will receive an appointment for such a Health Check. Learn more about NHS Health Checks here, or watch this video from Public Health England. 

Clinics are held for review of patients with heart disease.  These are held by two practice nurses and supported by a doctor. 

Clinics are held by three of our practice nurses supported by a doctor. 

Four of our practice nurses have special training in this area of medicine and hold weekly clinics for Asthma & COPD.  If you have asthma or COPD it is important to have regular reviews. Please make an appointment at reception. 

Our nurses provide up-to-date advice on vaccinations and illness avoidance for overseas travel. Please note: recommendations change all the time, do not assume you are covered. There may be a charge for some of these vaccines. For more information visit our Travel Services page. 

Appointments are available with your own doctor or a female doctor to receive advice on women’s health matters including contraception and the menopause.  Routine smears are undertaken by the Practice Nurse. 

Clinics involving GPs and Nurses

Clinics are held twice a month for development checks and immunisations by appointment. 

We are happy to provide family planning advice and offer a full contraceptive service, including coil and implant fitting. For more information visit our Family Planning page. 

Other Services

The midwife and doctors run antenatal clinics by appointment.  The midwife makes routine home visits after the baby is born.  The doctor makes a full postnatal check between 6 and 8 weeks. 

Those patients on Warfarin tablets who require regular blood tests can have them done at the practice in a specific clinic on Friday mornings. Please note that appointments for this particular clinic are arranged by the hospital.

In addition to the monthly GP-led clinic, we also have a memory support worker called Carolyne Threadgold, who has a memory support clinic every other Friday. This clinic is for anyone who has a diagnosis of dementia or has memory problems. Carolyne can help with information regarding dementia, advise on benefits, recommend local activities and visit you at your home.

External Services

Linking Leeds is the integrated city-wide Social Prescribing service for people in Leeds. For more information visit our Linking Leeds page. 

Many services are not covered by the NHS and a fee will be charged for providing them.  A list of BMA approved fees can be viewed below and is also displayed on the surgery notice board.  These services include:

  • Insurance reports and medicals
  • Holiday cancellation forms
  • Private referral letters and claim forms
  • Private prescriptions

We cannot provide the following non NHS services:

  • Countersignature for passport application
  • Countersignature for proof of identity
  • Letters to confirm attendance at GP clinic for purposes of school, university, or work absence.


Please be aware these fees were increased from 1st January 2025.

General Non-NHS Services Fee
Private sick note/Private Prescription £50
Straightforward simple certificate or letter of fact - very basic 2 or 3 line standard letter - e.g. pt okay to fly  £30
More complex letter £50

For all letters please book a phone call with a GP to discuss and advise the patient that there will be a fee of either £30 or £50 depending on length

£30 short
£50 long  
Over the counter letters or forms that can be completed without a medical examination, including -  £55
Child minder forms/Ofsted health declaration
Pension claim forms
Holiday cancellation/fitness to travel forms
Insurance claims certificates
GP insurance report iGPR £120
Targeted Insurance report £45
Extra Questionnaire £45
Firearms requests (new and renewal) £70
Fit to do specified activities forms - e.g. Camp America, skydiving, volunteering abroad. Details of activity must be included £50
Medical Report extracted from records requiring 15 mins plus £80
Full examination & medical report - e.g. HGV, PSV, Life Assurance, Elderly Drivers, Third party - PLEASE NOTE WE CURRENTLY DO NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO DO THESE  £170
Short medical examination - e.g. fitness to attend, assessment of capacity (only provided where capacity is in question) - PLEASE NOTE WE CURRENTLY DO NOT HAVE THE CAPACITY TO DO THESE  £90
British Army (forces) Health Declaration forms

Relevant authority is invoiced and responsible for payment

DVLA forms or medicals where the request is from the DVLA to us in relation to a medical matter- these are usually sent to us directly but may be sent to patient
Adoption medicals - not usually paid by patient - paperwork/invoice sheet to be passed to Medical Reports for processing
Bus pass form N/A
Employment support allowance
Attendance allowance form
Council tax claim for severely mentally impaired discount form
Letter in relation to benefits, housing etc.
Statutory certificates for DWP
Information for school when GP letter has been requested for missed exam due to acute illness N/A 
 Letter for taking medication abroad



Crossley Street Surgery
Crossley Street
West Yorkshire
LS22 6RT
01937 543 200     

Surgery hours
8.00am - 6.00pm

How to find us


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