
If you are already registered for ordering online you can click here to request your repeat prescription via SystmOnline.

If you would like to register for online ordering please come into the surgery and speak to a receptionist. In the interests of patient confidentiality, and to protect your privacy, new registrations for SystmOnline must be carried out in person. 

If you are already registered for SystmOnline, and would like to have more detailed access to your medical records, or if you are not yet registered for SystmOnline and would like to be, please come into the surgery with a form of photo ID (for example, passport, driving licence, student ID, bus pass, blue badge, photo ID from work etc). For more information on accessing your medical records online, click here.

In the interests of patient safety, please allow A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS from the practice receiving your prescription request to collection of your prescription. If your prescription is collected by a pharmacist, please allow 7 days. We are getting an increasing number of requests from patients asking for "urgent" prescriptions to be issued and signed the same day. Please note that you can order your repeat prescriptions up to 10 days prior to their due date.


If your doctor agrees, you may obtain medicines by repeat prescription.  These may be obtained, giving 48 working hours notice: -

  • By completing a prescription request slip or asking the receptionist over the counter, when you are in the surgery;
  • By posting the repeat prescription request slip i.e. the right hand side of your last prescription in the prescription box in the foyer or in the normal post;
  • By using SystmOnline

There is also a repeat prescription collection service whereby all repeat prescriptions can be sent directly to the local chemist of your choice.  Please contact your chosen chemist to arrange this.

For a list of Frequently Asked Questions regarding your medications, please click here

Medication Reviews

Medication reviews are GP initiated, based on a thorough review of a patient’s record. Please book a GP medication review appointment only if requested to do so by the practice.

Click here to learn about Electronic Repeat Dispensing

Crossley Street Surgery
Crossley Street
West Yorkshire
LS22 6RT
01937 543 200     

Surgery hours
8.00am - 6.00pm

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