Leeds Maternity Care: LTHT are rolling out self-referral to Maternity Services.

This will be via the online website: www.mypregnancynotes.com

  • Women can register to create an account, or sign in if they have used My Pregnancy Notes (MPN) previously.
  • Community midwives will then be able to see a list of women who are pending a booking appointment and book according to gestation or clinical need.
  • The booking appointment will need to be created on K2 and SystmOne or EMIS.
  • The community midwife will also be able to view the details the woman has entered in the pre-booking form and start to plan their care.
  • Once the woman has registered for a MPN account, she will have access to leaflets and will be able to view appointments, etc.

Any women who experience difficulty completing the form, can contact the Referral and Booking Service*:

Monday - Friday 9-5. (0113) 4870690
*Not suitable for clinical queries

Crossley Street Surgery
Crossley Street
West Yorkshire
LS22 6RT
01937 543 200     

Surgery hours
8.00am - 6.00pm

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